Keepin’ Us Alive by Protect Your Heart

Welcome/welcome back to the blog! If you’ve read the title, you will know I am at peak level excited to do this post, because in all honesty, I don’t think there’s any band out there that I love like Protect Your Heart. We’ve spoke about them so much on the blog, and I will continue to do so, until I can’t anymore. Everyone who knows me, knows I truly believe Protect Your Heart are one of, if not the, best underground band out there. All it takes is someone to listen to their discography and you will see just why I believe this. So, let’s quit the background waffle, and let’s get into talking about the brand new single Keeping’ Us Alive by Protect Your Heart.

Keepin’ Us Alive, has the classic Protect Your Heart sound that we all know and love, but if you do know and love PYH, then you’ll know you’re either getting a pop-punk banger, that’s verging on easy core, or you’re getting pop-punk/easycore that pushes the boundaries of the genre of pop-punk. All the tracks the boys put out, are fantastic, but this one has that same vibe and feel to it as we’ve heard on the likes Worst Side of Me and Last To Love You. It’s a belter. Straight up, pure listening bliss.

For a person that isn’t the biggest fan of longer tracks, because they find it hard to hold attention for any song longer than 4 minutes, this track is a belter, it boasts a listening time of just shy of 4 minutes and I genuinely, wish it was longer. It’s phenomenal. I genuinely, cannot get enough of this track. This is without a doubt, in my top 5 tracks that Protect Your Heart have released, and that says something, because genuinely, I love every track this band has ever put out. No band compares to the lovely lot that is Protect Your Heart for me, so for a track to instantly make it into my top 5 tracks, it says something. I don’t think anything will ever dethrone Last To Love You, Close to You and Embers (seriously, making me pick between them is like making me pick a favourite child, except my child is a dog). However, this certainly gives the likes of Worst Side of Me, Don’t Count Me Out and Best of Me a run for their money. The actual instrumental aspects of this track, easycore, and then Matty’s vocals, and the chorus just add those pop-punk elements back into the track.

I’ve said this in many PYH reviews, Matty, Kean, Jake, Mauricio and Anthony are some of the most, if not the most, talented bunch of people I’ve heard in a long time. Every time they release a new track, they just blow me away that bit more. Yes, some songs don’t hit me where it hurts like others, but they just consistently set the bar higher and higher. Just because I favour previous tracks, doesn’t mean that the newer tracks are inferior, because all it takes is you to listen to this track, or Ghosts, or Youth, and you can tell that this lovely bunch of people are insanely talented and just continue to impress more and more people, and prove just how worthy they are of all the love and support I believe they deserve. They’re genuinely, phenomenal. 10/10 recommend you giving them a listen. There will never be a day when I stop hyping this wonderful lot up.

Seriously, give Keepin’ Us Alive a listen and you hear for yourself the talent that just radiates from them. The way the bridge on this track just adds that extra spice, that you may not have realised the track needed. Because, genuinely, holy shit (Matty if you are reading this, please be proud of my lack of that phrase so far), this track is insane. Next level insane. I would sell my soul and at least a kidney to hear this track live (amongst you know, every other Protect Your Heart track in existence). This is a track I would genuinely love to lose my voice screaming to in a crowd, because it’s phenomenal.

There’s not one element of this track that I can pick fault with, genuinely, I’m in love with this track. From the lyrics (especially, ‘I can’t find a reason to exist and I’m terrified of this’), the vocals, the drums, the bass, the guitar, the actual mixing of the track. Every element of this track just impresses me more and more, the more I listen to it. And that’s the thing, this track has pretty much exclusively been on repeat for me since it was released on Thursday, and I’m still in love with it. I haven’t grown sick of it, and that’s the thing, if you listen to a song, and hyper fixate on it, like I do, then you often find yourself hating it fairly quickly, but I love it more now than I did on release day.

Please, go give this track, and our wonderful friends some very well deserved love and support. I think it comes as no surprise to anybody that I’m more than happy to give Keepin’ Us Alive a solid, 5 out of 5 lemons! Every time we get a new PYH release, I’m always left excited for the next one, just to see how the guys live up to the previous one.   

Where To Find Protect Your Heart:

Apple Music
Protect Your Heart Merch

Where To Find Me:

Here on LifeIsALemon Monday (and sometimes throughout the week too), at 7pm (UK Time)
Small Band Appreciation Playlist (Spotify)
For all blog related enquires contact me at

Grace-Elizabeth Kinbrough

Just your average 20-something-year-old, talking about bands that will stop you from being a music snob.


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